Not that I forsake my family on an everyday basis – but I do leave home for extended periods of time without them. I spend a lot of money on me. Sometimes I’m struck with a really bad conscience – sometimes not at all. Most of the time somewhere in between.
Sometimes I wonder if the meaning of live is precisely that – an egoistic journey. Mostly because of my kids. I have the privilege of feeling unconditional love. I will leave my heritage to someone when it’s time to go. I will try to do the best I can to raise my kids. I will leave a piece of breadcrumbs of me on the planet…

Second Place would be climbi…. or….
I believe that the rest is whatever you choose to do to make you happy. To give. To love. To travel. Your own personal recipe to happiness.
Today I made my Little egoistic happy-trip on the water, kayaking in to the centre of the city, around Kungsholmen and back.
If you’re now convince yet – just look at the photos of our beautiful capital seen from the waterfront.
But happiness is also the cup of coffey I had when coming home.