When I read about adventures of this kind (or any adventure to be honest) they pretty much never concern people like me. The adventurers tends to be people living of their adventures or at least they are not in their 50’s and they do not push paper and mail as an occupation. 🙂
Neither do they live the Life of average Joe alongside their adventure dreams.
I want to read and learn of ”ordinary” people who are fulfilling their Dreams. I want to learn how they manage and combine this with their family life, how they raise or save money, how do they find time to train, how they handle all the bad conscience of leaving your family and loved ones behind to enjoy extended periods of egoistic moments.
I believe in that if you want it you can have it, at least one can always try (sorry Yoda) to fulfill one’s most spectacular or crazy dream – you just need to take the first step.

My Dream is to reach 8 000 meters. Why?
Little more than three years ago I summited Aconcagua. Normally I return home with a sense of “I’ve had it” and I really never know if I’m going to do this again or not. This particular time the strongest feeling was – “I want more”. Since then I’ve, amongst others, visited Mont Blanc and Himalaya again. And despite the fact that things didn’t turn out the way I expected – or just maybe because – I’m as stoked as ever.
The thought of 8 000 meters has always been there I guess. Would it be possible? Do I really want to? Should I? There is some kind of magic to the number 8 000. (Well at least people like me feel this – my wife doesn’t understand at all what’s the fuzz about 8 000 meters.)
In Sweden we have adventurers like Fredrik Sträng, Ola Skinnarmo and Renata Chlumska – I’m like none of them. Faaaar from it. I’m not even your well trained neighbor or work mate. I’m a soon to be 50 father who is pushing paper and answering e-mail all day long. My body carries those years with, if not very serious, at least quite a few blemishes.
But I like challenges and I like mountains.
Anyway, this is part of the reason why this web site exists – if I can do this – you can! (Obviously it is also part ego-tripping – don’t tell anyone.)
I don’t know yet if this journey is really going to take place – but my dream begins precisely with the thought of maybe pulling this through. And I belong to those who considers planning and dreaming being half the fun.
Join me on my journey towards the journey here on chooyu.se. Join me through setbacks and success on my way to 8 000 meters. Let’s find out where it takes me – maybe only to insight or maybe all the way to the top 🙂