Hem Climbing A bit of rock climbing – a load of adrenaline

A bit of rock climbing – a load of adrenaline

Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
Climbing in Häggsta
Climbing in Häggsta
So, this beautiful weekend I went to to Häggsta. It was time to rock climb and brush up on the skills a bit.

Häggsta is located at Glömsta in Huddinge, South of Stockholm. There are lots of routes here (around 100) and the first one was put up in the 1930s already. They range from beginners’ routes to 7/8 routes. I stick to first category – where not only do I want to stay – I should stay there. It is more than a big bite for me.

I’ve been told that I sometimes am somewhat unclear and do not write so that one understands what I mean in my posts. Note taken – I’ll try to write more clearly.

What a friggin adrenaline load I have had these two days!!! There!

Janne on the rock in Häggsta
Janne on the rock in Häggsta
That, I did not anticipate before going. I’m not afraid of heights, and I’m too old to live on the edge – that is to say, I’m better safe than sorry on the cliff. But still, both some serious heart pumping and lactic acid appeared in abundance. Clearly a surprise. On the other hand, it is perhaps a bit what I am looking for (also) hence it was not entirely unwelcome.

Nicolas, who led the course was perfect – just enough of climbing (on my part anyway), just enough of theory and practicing the theory — like building climbing anchors, training at good solutions using different prusiks, placing nuts and cams and much more.

I have read and I read a lot about mountaineering and climbing, but it is absolutely invaluable and unmatched to execute everything you read about in real life. What seems easy proves to be far more complicated and the most advanced move will be manageable and sometimes obvious after some practice.

Climbing Gear
Climbing Gear
And often, in the real world, out on the mountain, I think that ”obvious” is a good feeling. That is to say that I am confident with what I’m going to do and how to do it – not least in the event of unforeseen incidents such as accidents, bad weather, disease, etc.

All in all, I have had an extraordinary weekend, I’ve gotten a little wiser (just a little) and I’ve become a little better at climbing (a little). I have also woken up the interest for climbing again – watch out Alvin – it’s climbing time 🙂 . I have also been rewarded a serious and itching sunburn – so I’ve become a little more good looking too (a little).


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