Hem Cho Oyu Meaning of Life!

Meaning of Life!

Life quality in my Kayak
Life quality in my Kayak
Västerbron and City Hall
Västerbron and City Hall
This thing, climbing, is, especially for the ones with a family, a pretty egoistic thing.

Not that I forsake my family on an everyday basis – but I do leave home for extended periods of time without them. I spend a lot of money on me. Sometimes I’m struck with a really bad conscience – sometimes not at all. Most of the time somewhere in between.

Sometimes I wonder if the meaning of live is precisely that – an egoistic journey. Mostly because of my kids. I have the privilege of feeling unconditional love. I will leave my heritage to someone when it’s time to go. I will try to do the best I can to raise my kids. I will leave a piece of breadcrumbs of me on the planet…

City Hall
City Hall
Well, there’s no doubt that the kids constitutes the lion’s share of what’s the meaning of Life.

Second Place would be climbi…. or….

I believe that the rest is whatever you choose to do to make you happy. To give. To love. To travel. Your own personal recipe to happiness.

Today I made my Little egoistic happy-trip on the water, kayaking in to the centre of the city, around Kungsholmen and back.

If you’re now convince yet – just look at the photos of our beautiful capital seen from the waterfront.

But happiness is also the cup of coffey I had when coming home.

Karlbergskanalen 1
Karlbergskanalen 1
Karlbergskanalen 2
Karlbergskanalen 2


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