Hem Food Performance Anxiety

Performance Anxiety

Performance Anxiety
Performance Anxiety

Sometimes, it creeps upon you – the performance anxiety. Or just anxiety in general. Egoism Anxiety! Time Anxiety! Exercise Anxiety! Holiday Anxiety! Food Anxiety! And then the performance anxiety as mentioned…

There are so many things I want to and should do if I want my dream to become a reality. There are so many things I want to and should get around to do if the rest of my life is to become the one I and my dearest wish for. How do I combine training with lots of time with my little one? How should I manage to climb and train on techniques and at the same time manage to have quality family vacation?

And in the midst of all this anxiety I find myself navel-gazing in front of the worst crime drama or sitcom of 2014. My middle aged navel high in the air, further and further from the ground.

That’s when I realize that I need to find inspiration. I think that inspiration can be found at the Blog fethalsa.wordpress.com och kanske i boken som Mats Lindgren har skrivit Frisk av mat. (den finns även på Adlibris) (Sorry but only in Swedish)

Today's dinner
Today’s dinner
I have a long history of eating all sort of ”food” that is not healthy, the fatter the better – the sweeter the more! A chocolate bar a day and a lot of Béarnaise sauce to my fries. This has actually been working out pretty well so far – I’m rarely, if ever, sick, my test results are perfect when going through health checks and the weight has been under control. Until now, that is!

Like I said, the position of the navel is farther from the floor than it have ever been – there has to be a change. Maybe I can throw out the pain in my joints I suffer from with the bathwater as well. And the fatigue.
I have never been and will never be a fan of diets – I believe that well-being is more complex than to follow a diet. But maybe it’s a start. So today I bought the book – I will read it during the holidays – then :-)- after the holidays I’m going to get started – that’s a promise!

But for now I will just enjoy good food, lots of candy, biscuits in extremely large quantities, juice, fatty sauces and a lot of gluten.


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